Look like the moment. It look like. Tomorrow, probably, China it’ll be already the past, a piece in the big puzzle of the mind.
It’ll be an autobus, a border far away by the world, police man again for try to get visa, a night spent under the sky somewhere, another country.
It’ll be the end of one dream, and in the same moment the starting of another one, with the incredible partnership of reality. The most strange dream.
Mongolia, finally we’re coming.
Take care and take camel!
ci sono sempre stata..ricordatelo…
vi abbraccio tutti da genova…
grandissimo…. cazzo che bello.. tocca una pietra cinese per me o mongola o un pezzo di cielo…. fa lo stesso…
Sara’ fatto e sentirai le percezioni arrivare fino al limbo del Continente!
Do, a Genova??? Really??!?